Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Pemmican the Ultimate Survival Food

The next survival crisis, which we may face soon, will be nothing more than what our ancestors called daily life.

The grid could go down and then we would have no electrical power, no refrigerators, no Internet, no computers, no TV, no hyperactive law enforcement, and no Publix or Walmart.

When the grocery stores close down, and the food shelves go empty, food will become a serious issue for most people.

Except for those who know how to make pemmican!

Pemmican was created by the natives of North America, and was used by Indian scouts, as well as early western explorers.

These people were highly mobile, and covered a lot of distance. They needed food that was nutritious and would not spoil.

Pemmican answered the call. You can store it for a long time without refrigeration. And it can be packaged in any way that you need, so that it can be carried easily during movement.

Learning how to make pemmican is just one of the many survival techniques used by our forefathers.

These precious life saving techniques are becoming lost to time.

When things go bad in today's world, we will all become frontiersman and pioneers again.

And we will need to learn the same skills that our grandfathers, and great grandfathers knew before us.

Click this link and watch this super informative video on how to make pemmican.

Start learning the skills that you, and your family, will depend upon during the next dark times.

We all have much to learn from our ancestors.

Pemmican is a great place to start.

And if you want to learn more about old school frontier and pioneer survival techniques, check out this great book:

The Lost Ways.

Stay safe,

Eric Dempsey

Master Sergeant, US Army Retired

ILRRPS Survival with Resistance to Interrogation Course Graduate

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